#MondayMotivation. How to Make Mondays Oh So Much Better


Ask just about anyone how they're doing on a Monday and they'll say, "Oh, you know, it's Monday." A slightly more optimistic person may put it this way, "Pretty good for a Monday." Why doesn't anyone claim Monday as the best day of the week--or at least feel more tolerant of them? Here's why:


Mondays suck only because you think they do.

We condition our brains to drive our thoughts and beliefs based on our life experiences. Others can condition the way we think and somewhere along the line, somebody spread the belief that Mondays suck. You've heard people bash Mondays for most of your working life. You've told yourself there's nothing good about the dreaded day and that it's the hardest day of the week. In reality, time studies show that people are not more depressed on Mondays than they are on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. It's that we hold Friday, the day we get to leave our work woes behind, in such high esteem that no other day can compare.  

Change your mind about Mondays, they've never really done anything wrong to you. When you find yourself thinking negatively about the day, question your thought process. What's really going on? Beyond being tired from the weekend or convincing yourself that you have nothing to look forward to for the next nine hours, Monday is just like any other day.


You caught up on your sleep.

Sleepy Sunday mornings are the best, but they wreak havoc on your circadian rhythms. According to scientists, paying off your "sleep debt" over the weekend totally throws off your body clock. By midweek, the fatigue begins to wane, so we stay up later, thus perpetuating the pattern of not enough sleep/too much sleep. When you add those late-night weekend outings your body becomes really confused.

Throughout the week be as consistent with your bedtime and waking time as possible.  And when you do stay out late on Saturday night replenish your energy by taking a short afternoon nap rather than sleeping in an extra two hours the next day. According to sleep experts, short, early-to-mid afternoon naps are less disruptive to our circadian rhythms. Even better, to go to bed just a little early for a few nights, rather than sleep in or nap for long periods of time. These are short-term solutions; the best-case-scenario is to stay on a schedule. 


You don't see Mondays as anything special.

People view Mondays as the villain, the theft of fun and relaxation. Why can't Mondays be fun too? I always schedule something special on Mondays: a girl's night out or an early morning coffee date with a friend. 

There's no rule against going to the movies on a Monday evening or spending lunchtime in the park. Extend the weekend fun, there's really no reason for it to stop.


You set yourself up for an exhausting day.

Who schedules meetings and stressful work commitments on a Friday? Pretty much no one. So, we pile it all on for Monday. "Let's meet first-thing Monday morning." Don't do this to yourself. When you wake up in the morning, images of that dreadful thing you have to do at 8:00 AM hit your brain immediately. At the very least, schedule the stressful stuff for later in the day. Even better, stack it on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. 


You launch into a big challenge.

Beginning an exercise regime, starting a new diet, committing to new routines and productivity tools. Monday is often our designated day to launch a new commitment, but it's just another day on the calendar. Why not start your diet on Wednesday? Avoid adding extra stress by taking on a huge challenge on a Monday. 


Your weekend diet was atrocious. 

Splurge a little on the weekend but notice how you feel on Monday morning when you've overdone it. Drinking results in dehydration. Too much fun in the sun without increasing your water consumption will do the same. And what did those barbecued ribs and Sunday morning bagels and cream cheese do to your body?

Eating junk food in moderation is fine, according to many experts. Just don't neglect to eat your greens and other good stuff too. Drink extra water before, during, and after the consumption of alcohol. Don't stray ridiculously far from your normal eating and drinking patterns and then place the blame on Monday when you feel like, well, you know. 


You hate your job.

In the US, approximately 100 million full-time employees aren't engaged at work, that's an insane number at 51 percent. Disengaged employees have no real connection to their job and may go so far as to say they hate their jobs. 

The transition from a temporary escape from reality back to the harsh reality of feeling stuck in a job you hate can trigger feelings of depression and anxiety. The answer to this one is clear: it's time to move on. 


Lighten up on your judgment of Mondays and Monday will lighten up on you. Take a look at your schedule now and add something wonderfully playful to brighten up your day.


Source: Inc
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