Tips From A Clinical Psychologist On Handling Stress During The Pandemic

Working from home has never been more stressful, knowing the shelter-in-place order can go on indefinitely. Communicating via Slack and Zoom meetings is the new normal, and this shift might be a source of anxiety for many.

Working from home has never been more stressful, knowing the shelter-in-place order can go on indefinitely. Communicating via Slack and Zoom meetings is the new normal, and this shift might be a source of anxiety for many.

For tips on overcoming the added stress resulting from the pandemic, I turned to Gary Foster, a clinical psychologist and the chief scientific officer at WW. He explained that when people experience stress, they turn to skip their routine activities, which doesn’t facilitate healthy coping. Research has shown that activity—even moving for a few minutes a day—can have significant health and wellness benefits. In fact, regular physical activity, even moderate-intensity, can help improve immune function and is linked to a lower risk of upper respiratory infections.

So if you feel more stressed these days, the first thing to do is sticking to a physical routine. Here are three ways you can maintain a regular level of physical activity in times of stress:

Develop a scheduleWe’re currently experiencing a disruption in routine. Set a schedule for yourself and keep to it. Just like you would create an eating schedule, you should have a schedule to help you maintain your activity routine.

Avoid a threshold mentalityAt first, work on maintaining a baseline level of physical exercise. The goal shouldn’t be to do 30 pushups a day, but to do at least a couple pushups a day. Remember that any and all movement is good and carries many health benefits.

Be creativeMake activity fun, and try to be resourceful. Maybe you don’t have access to a gym, for instance, but you can try using things around your house as weights or looking into live classes. FaceTime a friend and hold each other accountable.

Moreover, here are some things to keep in mind as you establish your routine:

Head outsideEven if it's a walk around the block, focusing on what you see, hear and smell can reduce feelings of stress.

Recognize what you can and can’t controlFocus on things you can do and can control, such as your schedule, what you’re eating, activity, etc. Having a sense of control can lessen your anxiety.

Reach out to a friend or family member. Make time for connection and reaching out to the people you’re closest to, even if that’s via phone or video chat.

Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself and approach tough moments from a position of strength and self-compassion.

Practice gratitudeWhen stressed, it is easy to focus on the negative, but take this time to think about things you’re grateful for. A great way to start and end your day is by writing down three good things you’re grateful for, such as being able to connect with an old friend. Reliving the experience can make you feel happier.


Source: Forbes
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