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What Customers Are Thinking About FindTalent

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Test-Drive Your Path

Test-Drive Your Path

It’s impossible to know if you’ll really like a career direction until you try it out. To avoid making costly mistakes—and wasting your...

11 things smart people never say at work

11 things smart people never say at work

There are certain things that should never be said at work, phrases that carry a special power: to make you look bad, even if what you...

The Legend of the First Impression

The Legend of the First Impression

We’ve all heard “you only get one chance to make a first impression.” Albeit true, if you start off on the wrong foot with an interviewer...

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The Team @ Findtalent

Findtalent is proudly based in HCM City, but our people and community live and work from all over the world.

We believe good ideas deserve a chance to grow. We believe people deserve to earn a living doing what they love. We believe in making it easy to get things done.

The FINDTALENT team brings valuable local knowledge and many years of experience to this dynamic and developing market. Each consultant has the specialized skills required for our business and they have the ability to understand the bigger picture and visualize the path ahead.