Career Tips

Workplace Conflict Part 1: Minding Your Mindset Nothing can throw your career off faster than how you deal or don’t deal with conflict. How you determine your mindset is the most critical focus point to ensuring you leverage conflict for its positive benefits and avoid exacerbating the negative.
12 Tips for Fostering Teamwork Although teamwork is frequently the most efficient way to complete a big project, many managers struggle to lead a cohesive team. Managing individual employees along with the broader group dynamic brings confusion to team projects, causing the work and your team management capabilities to suffer. Practicing teamwork builds strong verbal and nonverbal relationships among coworkers. When working together on team projects, you must learn how to communicate clearly and compile the entire group’s ideas in order to build trust.
Here's How To Soften Your Communicate Style When Talking With Your Teams If you have a brusque communication style, you can have the best intentions for a conversation and still wind up upsetting your colleagues. Perhaps you believe you're communicating clearly and calmly. . .yet you've noticed that your colleagues experience the conversations differently. If this describes you, here are some tactics by which you can smooth ruffled feathers and eliminate friction.
How to prevent Coronavirus – Symptoms Corona Virus (Covid-19) Covid -19 – a virus causing serious pneumonia originating in China has spread to many other countries, including the United Kingdom. According to data from the Worldometers on February 26, 2020, there are nearly 81,133 infections and 2,765 deaths in the World.
Top 20 Common Job Interview Questions With Answers Preparing for a job interview? If so, you should practice answering typical interview questions. If you interview frequently, these common job interview questions will grow quite familiar. During your interview preparation, think about possible answers that will pertain to the job you’re applying for, while highlighting your skills and experience. Also brush up on your interview skills, so you're prepared to make the best impression.
All You Need To Know: Asian Business Culture It is important if you intend to have a successful business relationship with people of Asian background or culture that you take the time to learn what the basic differences are between both cultures and what is the most effective way of communicating.
Use Company Culture to Hire Top Talent and Engage Your Team Hiring for cultural fit is one of the main mantra within recruitment nowadays. Recruiters are encouraged to look beyond skills and past the job description to find candidates who “fit” with the organization and its values.
3 Ways to Help Introverts Shine in an Extrovert-Leaning Workplace When you think of a successful CEO or leader, classic extrovert traits come to mind: outgoing, energetic, charming, talkative. Steve Jobs was famously extroverted, as was Margaret Thatcher. And while about half of the general population are extroverts, up to 96 percent of managers and executives display extroverted traits.
Three Best Practices For Interviewing Opportunity Youth Like most of us, your first job interview probably was not your best. You were navigating a new experience, possibly without knowing what to expect. It’s difficult to perform at a high level the first time that you do anything.
7 Critical Skills That Predict Success What skills do you really need to succeed? In school, they taught us history and algebra and if we got good SAT scores they said we'd succeed. But are those the skills we really need?
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