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Test-Drive Your Path It’s impossible to know if you’ll really like a career direction until you try it out. To avoid making costly mistakes—and wasting your energy—take a test-drive. Here, you’ll read about people who apprenticed, volunteered, or job shadowed to discover their professional identities—and you’ll learn how to find these experiences for yourself.
11 things smart people never say at work There are certain things that should never be said at work, phrases that carry a special power: to make you look bad, even if what you are saying is correct. And the worst part is that, once you say them, there is no way to retract it. No matter how talented you are or what you've accomplished, there are certain phrases that can immediately change the way others perceive you , condemning you to live in the shadows forever. They are phrases so loaded with negative implications that they can end your professional career . How many of these race-killer phrases have you heard in your office lately?
The Legend of the First Impression We’ve all heard “you only get one chance to make a first impression.” Albeit true, if you start off on the wrong foot with an interviewer or recruiter, is there no recovery? Are you doomed to fail? The answer lies in how a job seeker responds to the challenge. And, there is always the last impression. Recruiters and career coaches have communicated the standards for making a good first impression for years.
Women In Tech: How to Thrive and Lead in a Male-Dominated World How to be a successful woman in the tech industry? How can woman better thrive and lead in a world that still dominated by male?
10 Powerful Ways to Master Self-Discipline Like everything else that brings progress, the greatest struggle is always within ourselves. That's why you need to learn self-discipline.
12 Mistakes You Might be Making in the First 10 Minutes of the Workday Here's how to avoid these pitfalls and set yourself up for success.
5 Ways to Make Your Job Meaningful Work These Ideas Will Help You Make Your Job More Meaningful
8 Ways Successful People Master Resilience Giving up is the most common form of failure.
Don't Get Beaten by a Robot: 3 Ways to Ensure Your Job Survives Automation Avoid jobs that robots are good at' sounds like science fiction, but it's good advice for the future.
How to Mention Fun Facts About Yourself in a Job Search Sharing fun facts about yourself distinguishes you from the crowd, and can make you a stronger, more appealing candidate.
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