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How to Be an Awesome Intern Manager Taking on interns isn’t for the weak of heart or mind. They need dedicated supervision, feedback, and meaningful projects. Can you commit?
How to Have a Great First Week as a New Boss Build confidence in yourself to succeed during your first week.
4 Causes of Employee Demotivation (and HR Solutions to Overcome Them) You Overcome Employee Demotivation When You Take Preventative Actions
Management Tip: Small Things Make A Big Difference As a manager, it's tempting to want to spend time on lofty strategic issues, but the reality is it's often the small stuff that makes a big difference in your employees' day-to-day experience of work, engagement, and loyalty.
14 Things Ridiculously Successful People Do Every Day “Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.” –Vaibhav Shah
Why Employee Loyalty Isn't What It Used to Be and What You Can Do About It It's not that workers are less loyal today – there are more choices for workers, more technological solutions, and more workers want to work on their terms
10 Tips for Becoming a Better Leader How would you describe a strong leader?
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